Agreement And Disagreement Tags

By April 8, 2021 Uncategorized No Comments

Do you want more practice with agreement and disagreements? Read these related articles: Police: Aldrich Amatic SC Annie Use Your Telescope Architects Daughter Arial Baloo Paaji Bangers Black Ops One Boogaloo Bubblegum Without Cherry Cream Soda Chewy Comic Nouveau Coming Soon Covered By Your Grace Craft Creepster Dancing Script Escolar Exo 2 Fontdiner Swanky Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Gloria Hallelujah Penny Indie Flower Jolly Lodger Just Me Again Down Here Kalam Kranky Lobster Love Ya Like A Sister Luc Guy Mountains of Christmas Neu Open Without Orbitron Oswald Pacifico Patrick Hand Pernament Marker Pinyon Script Rancho Reenie Beanie Ribeye Marrow Rock Salt Russo One Sacramento Satisfy School Shadows Into Light Two Special Elite Ubuntu Unkempt VT323: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 36 40 50 70 80 px. 1. Driving is the best way to get to places. 2. I think the warm weather is the best. 3. Mobile phones must be manufactured in such a way that they cannot work in a car. 4. I can`t wait for the weekend.

5. Large families are better than smaller ones. 6. I`d be willing to take a job in the country. In the second, one of the women talks to a stranger. You disagree: Mrs. A: I think mothers work harder than fathers! Stranger: Really? Not me. I think they work as hard as they do. Madame A: Father`s Day should be abolished! Stranger: I don`t agree. I think they deserve a day to be honored by their families. What do you want to do? Check my e-mail answers to my teacher In the first, the two women speak.

You agree: Mrs. A: I think mothers work harder than fathers! Ms. B: Me too! Madame A: Father`s Day should be abolished! Ms. B: I agree! When the review starts with “I,” use the graph below to help you respond. Please allow access to the Look microphone at the top of your web browser. If a message requesting permission to access the microphone is displayed, allow it. Close (#2) Person A: I think the warm weather is the best. Person B: Me too! (#1) Person A: Driving is the best way to get to places. Person B: I don`t agree! Driving is bad for the environment. Now you are training to agree or not approve of the following opinions. (An example of #1 and #2 are below).